Unique Workplace Mentoring Program Allows Students and Employees to Share Work and Life Experiences

    Comcast mentor Mike Johnson discusses how to handle school stress with his mentees McIntyre Elementary students Brandon and Semaj. These students are part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit’s Beyond School Walls program.
    Comcast mentor Mike Johnson discusses how to handle school stress with his mentees McIntyre Elementary students Brandon and Semaj. These students are part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit’s Beyond School Walls program.
    Comcast mentor Mike Johnson discusses how to handle school stress with his mentees McIntyre Elementary students Brandon and Semaj. These students are part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit’s Beyond School Walls program.


    Comcast hosts the BBBS Beyond School Walls workplace mentoring program. Twenty-nine Comcast employees are matched with and mentor 29 Southfield McIntyre Elementary students during the school year. The Comcast “Bigs” and student “Littles” meet twice per month at a different Comcast office location.


    Comcast mentor Evylon Hubbard assists her mentee, McIntyre Elementary student Rylee, with a Beyond School Walls program worksheet. Comcast Mentors and BBBS of Metropolitan Detroit mentees met today to celebrate National Mentoring Month at Comcast’s field operations office in Southfield.
    Comcast mentor Evylon Hubbard assists her mentee, McIntyre Elementary student Rylee, with a Beyond School Walls program worksheet. Comcast Mentors and BBBS of Metropolitan Detroit mentees met today to celebrate National Mentoring Month at Comcast’s field operations office in Southfield.