Who would think showing a poem with a message to a person that believed would be the seed to grow our company…but here we are today, Daryl Lynn O’Connell.com – The Prayer Mitten, LLC a trademarked company and it is our calling to building a brand of connecting messages.
Finding someone to invest in you and who you truly wish to sit next to in a business is not easy. It is rare but when it clicks, it clicks. Talent, Trust and laughter are our key components to working together. Here are a few tips that we have found helpful:
• Thick skin, learning and thinking big – must haves when building your business.
• Communication – it takes time and focus.
• Brand – the key to anyone starting out…make sure your personal brand is discovered. This single handily is the most important start to your journey. It has to be all about you and your definition of you. Once that is established you can move forward with vision and purpose.
• Technology and creativity – partner with someone who is creative and IT worldly. It is a combination of talents that align and make it work.
Ownership in the retail world today is different. Knowing from past experience of owning a brick and motor store, “cash ’n carry” is still a great experience while “search, click and ship” is the new touch to retail.
One more note: For anyone starting, if you can participate and work with potential business investors or partners prior to engaging in business together it is a clear window to see into your own future of success.
Like we say everyday…Enjoy our Joy!