Sharon Crockett

Sharon Crockett

Sharon Crockett has over 12 years of experience in certifying and developing minority-owned businesses. She served as a Contracts Officer for the Ohio Department of Transportation, DBE, and Compliance Officer for the Department of Administrative Services MBE/EDGE Certification program. In that role, Ms. Crockett was selected to assist in the review and revision of the Ohio Revised Code for Minority Business Enterprises (ORC: 123 2-15). Prior to becoming a Certification Manager for the Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council, she served as the Director of Certification for the Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council. Ms. Crockett was also the owner of a small business, Designs by a Diva, and the previous host of the Date with a Diva Cooking show.

Prior to a career change to the business world, Ms. Crockett spent over 20 years as an Investigator. Having previously worked as a Civil Rights Investigator, Public Defender felony investigator, Mental Health & MRDD abuse investigator, a child sexual abuse investigator, an adult protective services investigator, and a trainer for the state of Ohio Major Unusual Incident (MUI) unit.  As the MUI trainer, Ms. Crockett oversaw the investigations of abuse and fraud in addition to certifying state investigators.

Previous education and training includes: University of Portland, BA; Portland State University Training and Development Master’s Program; State of Oregon Leadership Academy, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; OPATA, University of Phoenix-MBA program; and the Ohio State University EEO Senior Practitioner Certificate.

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