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Join Julie Christiansen, a registered psychotherapist, executive coach, and President & CEO of Leverage U as she discusses ways to respond to workplace conflict.  HR professionals will learn the realities of workplace anger and conflict, signs of anger in the workplace, and reasons why anger occurs at work. Julie will address HR competencies including ethical practice, inclusive and transformational leadership, coaching and motivation, interpersonal skills such as relationship management and communication, and global/cultural effectiveness. The webinar will also speak briefly about issues regarding critical evaluation as it relates to relationship building and maintenance within organizations.

Speaker: Julie A.  Christiansen, President & CEO, Leverage U

Julie A.  Christiansen, President & CEO, Leverage UJulie Christiansen is an author, international speaker, psychotherapist, and executive coach. She has an extensive background in mental health counselling, public speaking that spans almost 30 years. Julie holds a B.A. in Psychology and a Counselling Psychology and is registered with the College of Psychotherapists of Ontario.

Julie has authored fifteen books including, Anger Solutions, I Don’t Feel So Good, and The Rise of Rage, Leadership AIM, and The Essential Soft Skills for Effective Leadership.

Up to 2017 she was an adjunct professor of various Psychology courses at George Brown College in Toronto. She is a sought-after guest expert for various media on topics related to anger, stress, and other mental health topics. Julie is the proud recipient of Niagara’s 40 Under 40 award; the Toastmasters Communication Leadership Award, the 2023 Women of Heart Award for Innovation in Mental Health, Education 2.0 Conference Recognition for Outstanding Leadership in Education, and the 2024 Passion Purpose Peace Award.

Julie’s personal and professional mission is to leverage people and organizations into radical, positive, lasting change by teaching them how to rehabilitate their relationships with courageous communication.