There are many profitable reasons to publish a blog on your business website. One is to add depth to your business and show your brand is more than just a logo. A well-written blog can help you establish your expertise and be a leading voice in your industry.
Another powerful advantage is the search engine optimization (SEO) and traffic value of your blog by ranking well in the search engines.
It’s important to note that the days of a 300-word blog post with generic information are over. Especially when the purpose is to drive traffic by ranking in the search engines, this doesn’t mean 300-word posts don’t rank; however, in today’s SEO world, you need to be highly specific or go deep into a topic.
If you want to rank, it’s important to find a niche with little competition. Unfortunately, if there is little competition, it’s quite possible there is no traffic to drive to your website either.
If you wish to compete for competitive keywords, you need to create a better blog post than the competition. You don’t need to rank in the first spot to drive traffic with competitive keywords. Often, landing in the top ten will attract relevant traffic via related longer tail keywords.
How to find a topic you can rank
When I work with a new blog to drive traffic to a website, I use the Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR). The process was developed by affiliate marketer Doug Cunnington to immediately rank for easy keywords which generate traffic.
The keyword golden ratio is a technique in which you find keywords that have a volume of fewer than 250 searches per month and a minimal Google all in title (allintitle:) search result. You can find a keyword search volume using the Google keyword tool or a free tool such as
All in title or allintitle: is a Google search operator which restricts the search results to only pages which have that exact keyword or phrase in its title. See figure below.
To confirm your phrase is a keyword golden ratio topic you divide the Google allintitle result by the keyword Google search volume; the result should be .25 or less. For example, the keyword phrase home care and family support program has an allintitle result of 39 results (see figure example) which is divided by its monthly search volume of 210; which equals .18. This keyword phrase qualifies as a KGR phrase.
Create your blog post
Next, check out your competition. Make a note of the top pages Google lists in its search results for your keyword phrase. Take a look at the details such as length, how many photos, videos, lists, design, and anything which might be relevant to creating a better blog post.
Write your blog post with the exact title as your keyword phrase. Make sure you mention keywords in the headlines and body of the article copy. Once published, it is essential to submit your post to Google Search Console.
The goal is to immediately kick off your post ranking within the top 50 of Google search results. Believe it or not, you may see your blog post rank within minutes in the top 30 or 20 results to start. Depending on the keyword phrase and authority of your website, it could quickly rank in the top 10.
Over time, as you add blog articles, you will continue to increase traffic to your website, often exponentially. Some posts will drive more traffic than others. I find that about 10-20% of your blog posts drive most of your traffic. As your blog gains traction, traffic, and authority, you can test more competitive keywords and phrases.
Tips to boost your rankings
A helpful tip to increase the ranking of your blog posts is to link relevant blog posts within your blog. For example, if you mention a type of car in a blog post, link the keyword to another blog post which talks about cars. If you can earn, encourage or ask for links to your post from other websites, even better.
Web traffic is helpful to give your blog posts improved rankings. There are a few ways to find people to read your latest blog article. The first is to share your post on your social media. Don’t forget, you can share your posts multiple times over the weeks and months ahead. It’s always a good practice to re-share older successful posts with your social media community.
If you have an email list or regular newsletter, make sure to share key insights from your post with a link to the entire article. If you don’t have any free traffic sources, there is nothing wrong with advertising your blog post. A few dollars on Facebook or Google Ads can increase activity which can help ranking.
The value of web traffic
Business blog posts have SEO value, especially if you link keywords to relevant pages on your main website. If your blog attracts quality traffic, you can ask for valuable emails in exchange a related PDF download, ebook or video mentioned in your blog post.
SEO is about driving traffic to your website. It’s the job of the website and sales team to convert prospects into clients.
Ranking your blog posts for relevant search queries can earn traffic which includes the prospects your company seeks. When you display your expertise for all the world to read, it increases trust in your brand.
Trust helps your company earn more sales.
Rosh Sillars owns the digital marketing company Rosh Media and specializes in search engine optimization for business.