When honorees at the West Michigan’s Best and Brightest Companies To Work For gathered at the JW Marriott on May 7, it was with a sense of anticipation and excitement as well as a new theme—Wake up with the Stars.

With some 600 attendees at the event and two great presentations, one from Matt Jung of Comfort Research, the other from Dr. Rhae-Ann Booker (formerly of Davenport University and now with Metro Health of the University of Michigan), this event was exceptional in every possible way.
Extending the movie theme right through two networking breaks/intermissions, attendees were treated to popcorn and movie theater size candy that made this event a very special one indeed.
As the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For series of events become ever more popular across the country, we invite you to celebrate with us as we extend our congratulations to the winners.
Elite Winners
Large Business “Best of the Best” Award:
Cascade Engineering
Medium Business “Best of the Best” Award:
Andy J. Egan Co. Inc.
Small Business “Best of the Best” Award:
Southwest Michigan First
Communication and Shared Vision:
Air Life Company
Community Initiatives:
Buist Electric Inc.
Compensation, Benefits and Employee Solutions:
Consumers Credit Union
Diversity and Inclusion:
Rockford Construction
Employee Achievement and Recognition:
HumaneX Ventures
Employee Education and Development:
Elzinga & Volkers Construction Professionals
Employee Enrichment, Engagement and Retention:
Recruitment, Selection and Orientation:
Strategic Company Performance:
Michigan First Credit Union
Work-Life Balance:
Suburban Inns
4Front Credit Union
ABD Engineering & Design, Inc.
Advia Credit Union
Air Lift Company
A.J. Veneklasen, Inc.
Allied Business Services, Inc.
Allied Electric Inc.
Ally Logistics
Amerifirst Home Mortgage
Andy J. Egan Co. Inc.
Arbor Financial Credit Union
Baker Holtz, CPAs and Advisors
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Baudville Brands
Beene Garter LLP
Bell’s Brewery, Inc.
BHS Insurance
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Brink, Key & Chludzinski, Inc.
Buist Electric Inc.
Butterball Farms Inc.
C-4 Analytics
Cascade Engineering
Charter Capital Partners
Cherry Health
Choice Schools Associates
Clark Retirement Community
Coldwell Banker Schmidt Family of Companies
Comfort Research
Consumers Credit Union
CTS Telecom
Dan Vos Construction Company, Inc.
Davenport University
DeWys Manufacturing Inc.
DFCU Financial
DK Security
Dominion Systems, Inc.
Easter Seals—Michigan, Inc.
Eckert Wordell
Elzinga & Volkers Construction Professionals
EQI, Ltd.
Express Employment Professionals
Fleis & Vandenbrink Engineering, Inc.
Flow-Rite Controls
Garrison Dental
GMB Architecture + Engineering
GNS America
Grand Rapids Chair Co.
Grand Rapids Label Company
Grand Rapids Metrology
Greenleaf Hospitality Group
Greenleaf Trust
GT Independence
Highpoint Community Bank
Hastings Mutual Insurance Company
Haviland Enterprises Inc.
Heritage Community of Kalamazoo
Holland Hospital
Honigman LLP
Hope College
HUB International
Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy
HUMANeX Ventures
Hungerford Nichols CPAs + Advisors
Imperial Beverage
Insite Business Solutions, Inc.
ITC Incorporated
IT Partners
ITS Partners
Kalamazoo Community Foundation
The Kendall Group
Kent District Library
Kesslers Diamond Center, Inc.
Koops Inc.
KSS Enterprises
Lake Michigan Credit Union
Lakewood Construction
Legacy Trust
Legal Copy Services, Inc.
Life EMS Ambulance
Macatawa Bank
Mel Trotter Ministries
Mercantile Bank of Michigan
Metro Health University of Michigan Health
Metron Integrated Health Systems
Michigan First Credit Union
Michigan Office Solutions
Michigan Software Labs
Midstate Security Company
Mill Steel Company
MSU Federal Credit Union
National Heritage Academies Inc.
Northpointe Bank
Nugent Builders Inc.
Nulty Insurance
Omni Community Credit Union
OST (Open Systems Technologies)
OptiMed Health Partners
Paragon Die & Engineering
Pella Windows & Doors By Horne
Plante Moran
Porter Hills Retirement Communities and Services
Premiere Property Services
Progressive AE
Red Level
Robroy Enclosures
Rockford Construction
Schupan & Sons, Inc.
Seaman’s Mechanical
Securalarm Systems, Inc.
Service Express
Soils & Structures
Southwest Michigan First
Specialty Eye Institute
Suburban Inns
Summit Pointe
Sunset Retirement Communities & Services
Symplicity Communications
Thacker Sleight
The C2 Group
Total Quality Logistics
Trendway Corporation
Triangle Associates, Inc.
Trillium Staffing Solutions
UFP Technologies
United Bank
Varipro Benefit Administrators
West Michigan Transport, LLC
Willis Law
Windemuller Electric
The Wiser Financial Group
Yeo & Yeo CPAs & Business Consultants
Zeigler Auto Group