Almost every office has one – a perk that makes coming to work a little more enjoyable.
Maybe it’s a Ping-Pong table. Maybe it’s a slushee machine in the cafeteria. It could be as simple as comfortable chairs or great after-hours get-togethers to play football. Whatever it is, your perk is the thing that keeps you coming back with a smile on your face. It is what makes your company culture unique.
At marketing and public-relations firm Marx Layne, the employees enjoy perks that encourage fit and healthy lifestyles. They have juicers their kitchen – you know, the nice ones that you’d never buy for yourself at home. The employees exercise balls to sit on at their desks if they like. Most of the staff belongs to at LEAST one gym.
This week, Marx Layne added a treadmill desk. Truthfully, we love these things. The first one was saw was at Jean Meyer’s office at St. John Providence. What a smart idea – mixing work with exercise. You feel better afterward and you’re still on track to leave at a decent hour. Perk perfection!
Account executive Lana Mini was one of the first one to try working and walking. Although she was kinda breathless, her impression was positive.
“The new treadmill desk, I love it! Better health encouraged here at Marx Layne & Company. Let’s see if it boosts energy, creativity, productivity! Already feels better than sitting.”
At Corp! magazine, we have lotsa perks. There’s the never-ending stream of beverages through our Keurig machine. There’s a workout room where we can Zumba to our heart’s content. We love having fun with parties, like our trip to Mt. Clemens for a little feather bowling. And there are always surprises for co-workers on their birthdays. There’s the sweet volunteer opportunities, such as Metro Detroit Youth Day on Belle Isle.
So what’s your perk? What makes your office stand out? We’re starting a new feature here in the “Break Room” to highlight the little stuff that makes Michigan workplaces a step above the rest. Take a picture of your perk and share it with us – we’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest. We’ve got a pretty sweet website as well, in case you haven’t seen our redesign of late. So you know where to find us.
But we need your help finding you! So share away. Brag a little. Make us laugh. Or just make us jealous. This is about having a little fun with your work – something that Corp! believes in strongly. If you prefer email, you can send the submission to our Digital Editor Karen Dybis at [email protected].