DETROIT — If gone undetected and untreated, HIV/ AIDS is deadly. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Michigan estimates that there are around 18,000 persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) in the state, with nearly 31% of PLWH living in Detroit.
Last year, about 57,000 Michigan residents were diagnosed with one or more reportable. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) like Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea. STI rates continue to rise, but there has been a severe uptick amongst those aged 15-24. Among all people diagnosed with Syphilis, 26% also live with HIV. The fastest growing at-risk population contracting HIV/AIDS are Black males 16 -30
Here is the good news from Matrix Human Services Community Health:
- HIV and other sexually transmitted infections are preventable.
- Anonymous testing/results for HIV and STIs are free and accessible to Detroiters.
- Matrix’s Community Health has worked with the most vulnerable, at-risk people Detroiters for over 30 years. It can offer comprehensive medical/social resources and educational and mental health support so that those living with these infections can be treated, often free of charge, and live long, productive lives.
That’s the critical message in Matrix’s “HIVPositivity.Org” 16-week-long public awareness campaign in the Detroit metro area. Through traditional and digital marketing methods, including 40 billboards throughout Detroit, geo-fencing, social media ads, and streaming audio/video advertisements on iHeart, Hulu, and dating apps like Grindr, JACK’D, and Scruff, Matrix Human Services invite people to visit or call Matrix Community Health at 877-931-3248.