SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Stefanini Group, a $1 billion global technology company specializing in digital solutions, with locations in 41 countries across the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia, announced today that the company acquired majority share of NewM, a software house specializing in the mobile segment for consortiums. The acquisition of NewM will complement Stefanini’s portfolio of solutions for the consortium market, layering onto inLira, Stefanini Group’s marketplace for consortia and digital transactions with a strong presence in the secondary market.
Founded in 2012, NewM is a leader in the consortium application market, offering technology for sales management and operations, in addition to offering a self-service app for consortium members. Now, with the investment from Stefanini Group, NewM will have even more structure to deliver robust offerings, more innovative applications and greater ROI power to its customers.
“With the seal and support of the Stefanini Group, we will offer even more innovative services and great results for our customers, in addition to working on the development of the consortium market that already represents more than 7% of the Brazilian GDP said J,”oão Paulo Rodrigues, commercial director of NewM.
The entry of NewM reinforces the Stefanini Group’s strategy of bringing more and more technology to the consortium sector. Together with inLira, the company intends to create a consortium area, taking another step to expand its innovation ecosystem composed of more than 30 companies.
“The consortium market is expanding and has great relevance,” said Marco Stefanini, founder and CEO of the Stefanini Group “Together, inLira and NewM will help the Stefanini Group to consolidate its financial products, adding value to the business.”
“inLira and NewM have complementary deliveries and proposals and will have the ability to further foster the consortium ecosystem”, added Mauricio Maciel Da Rocha, CEO of inLira.
Present in eight of the 20 largest consortium administrators in the country, NewM’s clients include companies such as Caixa, Sicredi, Embracon, Rodobens, among other brands, and already has more than 400 thousand active users on its application.
The mobile platform aimed at administrators is integrated with the ERP for sales of consortium quotas, operating online and offline and with a version for sellers and managers. The app for consortium members allows the monitoring of quotas from end to end, in a practical, fast and efficient way. To learn more about Stefanini Group, please visit www.stefanini.com.