By David King
April 21, 2011
Hoping to get the best out of their employees, many executives and entrepreneurs are finding new ways to encourage motivation and camaraderie in the workplace, offering employees more than just a paycheck in return for their hard work.
The happier the employees, the more productive they tend to be. Employees thrive in a healthy work environment fostered by executives who care not just about the work being done but also about the people who dedicate time and effort to these tasks every day. Below are four ways businesses can change the attitude of the workplace to reduce unhappiness and stress, improving employee efficiency.
Regular Feedback - For All To Hear
How can your employees be sure they’re doing a good job? Regular feedback will give your employees the necessary confidence and assurance needed for high-quality work. Sending out a short email to all company members detailing a job well done produces another opportunity for employee motivation. Have an employee that isn’t doing such a great job? Private instructive feedback is a good method in this case. Leave your employees feeling rejuvenated and encouraged, rather than dejected and unsuccessful.
Rewards - Not Too Much, But Just Enough
Some accomplishments deserve more than a pat on the back. Big client wins, successful events and employee-company anniversaries can be rewarded with a local gift card, a paid day off or a small bonus. It’s just another way to keep the motivation and encouragement flowing in the office, as employees can see that there are indeed perks and rewards associated with skillful work on the job.
Appropriate Challenges
People need challenges to keep life interesting. If you have an employee that excels in every area of their job, maybe it’s time to present a new project in a different area of expertise. Provide training and a mentor to properly guide the employee in these new challenges, allowing the employee’s skills to grow.
This is especially important for small businesses. Having an employee that can handle more than what was in their job description helps both the employer and the employee. Employers save the time and money associated with hiring an outsider to complete the work, and employees gain knowledge to add to their skill sets.
With multi-income families and clashing schedules, flexibility is a necessity for many talented employees. Executives can gain and retain top talent by offering flexible working hours, reasonable time off for family-related functions and the ability to work from home if needed. Employees won’t feel trapped in the office and can have a better work-life balance as a result.
Some companies even offer alternative hours, allowing employees to complete 40 hours a week in four days instead of five. Offering options gives your company an advantage over other firms that only offer five-day workweeks with no exceptions.
By implementing any one of these four changes into the workplace, executives will be taking the first step toward a healthier and more productive work environment for themselves and their employees, which in turn will lead to a better business.
David King is CEO of Red Level Networks Inc. in Novi, Mich., Red Level Networks is one of Metro Detroit’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies To Work For.