Game on Cancer – a partnership among Henry Ford Health System, The Detroit Lions and The Detroit Pistons that provides assistance to cancer patients and critical cancer research funding – will host a corporate kick off breakfast event, featuring legend players from the Lions and Pistons, March 26 in the Hall of Legends at Ford Field.
Now kicking off its fifth year, Game on Cancer has raised more than $4 million over the program’s lifetime, thanks to the support of donors and fundraiser participants. Game on Cancer directs 100 percent of funds raised to the program’s mission, which is to provide a platform for funding groundbreaking research, enhancing patient care by alleviating barriers or burdens, and by supporting clinical programs that allow for best-in-class cancer care.
While the funds raised over the past four years have been tremendously beneficial for both patients and research, the need is still great and Game on Cancer hopes to make 2019 its most impactful year yet.
“We are so thankful for our donors and fundraisers, who make a difference in the lives of cancer patients every day through their support of Game on Cancer,” Mary Jane Vogt, senior vice president and chief development officer, Henry Ford Health System, said in a statement. “The fight against cancer is a team effort, and support from our neighbors in the community is vitally important.”
Getting involved
One such neighbor who has done a wonderful job of helping those in need is Ellyn Davidson, president of Brogan & Partners Convergence Marketing Agency. Davidson was 36, the mother of a toddler, a kindergartner and second-grader, and account director at Brogan & Partners when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now an 11.5-year survivor, she now leads a Game on Cancer fundraising team at Brogan & Partners.
“Breast cancer is never easy, but my battle was made easier by the amazing support of my friends and family. I realize not everyone has a solid support system when they are diagnosed, and that’s one of the reasons why programs like Game on Cancer are so important,” Davidson said. “At Brogan & Partners, we host a wine-tasting fundraiser each year, with virtually everyone from the agency helping in one way or another. Since we began that in 2017, we’ve raised more than $20,000 to support Game on Cancer.”
Brogan & Partners’ fundraising event is one of countless ways fundraising teams can get creative and have fun, all while helping those in need. In addition to her successful annual fundraiser, Davidson routinely offers her guidance and support to newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients and has spoken with more than 100 over the past 11 years.
Teams needed
Game on Cancer still needs fundraising teams, like the one Ellyn leads at Brogan. To register, reach out to Christina Johnson at [email protected] or (248) 515-8963. She would be more than happy to help with setting up fundraising teams and answering any questions they may have.
The Game On Cancer campaign launches April 15 when its website opens. Teams from across the state representing companies, patients/survivors and families, community groups and more register for this peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, which culminates in November with a dynamic, on-field event with the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.
Corporate teams receive an in-person kick-off to explain the mission and campaign to their staff in an exciting way, often accompanied by a Detroit Lions Alumni Legend. All team members receive their own personal webpage to use for their fundraising and social media along with personalized and customized ideas for their team to maximize their fundraising. Contests and incentives are planned for all participants throughout the campaign. All of the funds raised support Game on Cancer’s mission and are used immediately to fund non-medical patient needs (housing, transportation, groceries, utilities, medication), supportive oncology programs (acupuncture, art therapy and more) and research.