After much excitement, Congress finally passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, which included several new retirement plan legislations. The SECURE 2.0 and other provisions strive to expand access to retirement plans, increase retirement savings, help American’s preserve income, and streamline retirement plan rules.

With over 92 different retirement plan provisions, we want to make it easier for employers, fiduciaries, and administrators to digest the SECURE Act 2.0. In this summary, we focus on the most prevalent issues facing employers.

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Speaker: Chris Burke, Senior Consultant, Lovasco

As a retirement plan consultant at LoVasco, Chris has a pivotal role: he is responsible for helping plan sponsors make well thought out decisions regarding their retirement benefit program. Chris’s background in law, and financial planning at a large independent wealth management firm and Merrill Lynch, make him well positioned to give guidance to plan sponsors and participants. Given the retirement savings crisis in America, Chris’s goal is to help plan sponsors provide a simpler retirement benefit, designed to be user friendly, cost effective, and to keep participants on track to fully fund their retirement.