Corp! Food & Agriculture Awards Winner Questionnaire

  • Corp! 2018 Food & Agriculture Awards Winner Questionnaire

    Congratulations on being a Corp! Food & Agriculture award winner. Corp! Magazine is pleased to celebrate the Food & Agriculture winners in our May/June print edition and in a special feature in our April 12th Digital e-Publication.

    To recognize this achievement, please take a few moments to fill out this questionnaire. Answers will become the basis of a Corp! story highlighting this year’s winners.

    To be included in our editorial coverage, all questionnaire information must be submitted electronically. Deadline for this information is March 23, 2018.
  • Information about the person completing this form

  • Information about the Winner

  • Questionnaire

    (IMPORTANT: Information below will be attributed to the CEO in our story, unless otherwise specified by you.)
    Please limit answers to the following questions to 150-200 words.
  • Call for photos! If you have a high-resolution (300 dpi) color photo that you would like us to consider for publication, please send to [email protected] with complete caption and photo credit information. Please ID your photo in the subject line as being for the Food & Agriculture story. Photos are due by March 23, 2018.

    Questions? Email [email protected] or call (586) 433-0144.