In just about any economy, most people have a choice of where they’ll spend what amounts to more than a third of their typical adult working life—the organization that compensates their time, skills and expertise with money, the resource we then trade for the other important things around us, like food, housing and those tiny screens we tap away at when we’re supposed to be having dinner with our friends and family.
While that last line is intended to be humorous (and why aren’t you still laughing?), the real point is that the workplace can, for those who invest their leadership skills in effective ways, be a pleasant place to work.
And in an economy where economists suggest “full employment” is within a hair’s breadth, being among the top choice of where someone would like to work is even more important.
We call those places the “Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” and organizations in cities around the U.S. know and understand just how powerful being selected from among their peers for the distinction of earning a place on the list can be.
It’s not only an acknowledgement that the collective hard work of people who lead these organizations is paying off, but the selection becomes a beacon of sorts—to those who already work at these “Best and Brightest” organizations, but also to job hunters, newly graduated or otherwise, who instinctively look for a place where their contributions are more likely to be recognized and rewarded, where they have the opportunity of being their very best while coaxing the same from their co-workers.
This year, individual “Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” selections were made across the country and in several cities, including Dallas, Milwaukee, Houston, San Diego and Boston.
We invite you to celebrate with them, perhaps giving a “shout out” to those with whom you are familiar.
• Best and Brightest Companies To Work For In the Nation
• Dallas/Ft. Worth Best and Brightest Companies To Work For
• Milwaukee’s Best and Brightest Companies To Work For
• Houston’s Best and Brightest Companies To Work For