Emagine Loses CEO to Manufacturing Industry

Emagine Entertainment Inc. CEO Anthony LaVerde has left the company, having taken a position as chief strategy officer for Detroit Manufacturing Systems. The company said in a statement that LaVerde resigned from Emagine effective Oct. 18. 

Anthony LaVerde

LaVerde is not new to Detroit Manufacturing Systems, having served on the company’s board for more than five years. DMS is an automotive supplier and certified minority business enterprise with $1 billion in annual sales.

LaVerde isn’t completely leaving Emagine. He said in a statement he will stay on with Emagine as a shareholder and investor.

“I have served on the board of Detroit Manufacturing Systems for years and will be taking a more active role in guiding the company’s future diversification strategy as Chief Strategy Officer,” LaVerde said. “I’m excited for this new challenge.”  

LaVerde joined as CEO of Emagine Entertainment Inc. in January 2017. Emagine has 27 theaters in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Emagine officials said in a statement that LaVerde made “significant contributions to the growth and success of the company.”

“We are truly grateful for his leadership and dedication,” the statement said. “We wish (LaVerde) all the best in his future endeavors and look forward to building on the strong foundation he and Paul Glantz have established. Paul Glantz has reassumed the position as CEO.”