Detroit nonprofit that creates jobs needs help after multiple thefts

Its mission is to help create jobs for people with barriers to employment – but what do you do when you find yourself in need?

RecoveryPark, a Detroit-based nonprofit organization, is now in crisis because it has been robbed three times over the past six days, officials said.

Among the three break-ins, two occurred inside RecoveryPark’s parking lot and one occurred on RecoveryPark Farms BETA Farm, RecoveryPark’s soil-based farming operation. Stolen items included $25,000 worth of lawn maintenance equipment and personal tools.

“It’s really disheartening,” said Gary Wozniak, President and CEO of RecoveryPark. “We work hard to be good stewards in our community, and our model has been successful. While we are in the process of reviewing security footage, working with local law enforcement, and communicating with neighbors, we must still honor our agreement with the city to mow and maintain these lots. We are reaching out to our community for some emergency support funds to do so.”

Seeking recovery
RecoveryPark Farms grows specialty produce for local chefs and restaurants. RecoveryPark includes a workforce development program to help prepare and support workers with barriers to traditional employment such as substance abuse, incarceration or transportation issues. RecoveryPark also seeks to incorporate sustainable resource management.

In response, RecoveryPark has engaged the community by launching a GoFundMe campaign and an Amazon wish list to obtain the missing items. To participate in “RecoveryPark’s Recovery,” visit

It also is taking steps to find who is responsible for the thefts and prevent future ones. In response to the theft that occurred, RecoveryPark has executed a comprehensive security strategy with a private firm, Prudential Alarm.

“We respect what RecoveryPark does and we’re disappointed to see folks steal from a noble nonprofit organization,” Vice President of Prudential Alarm, Jay Bassin, said. “We are looking forward to being part of the solution.”