Event Agenda
8:00 am
Talent Resource Exhibit Gallery Open
8:30 am
8:40 pm
Opening Comments
8:50 am
Labor Market Data, Regional Workforce Initiatives & Demonstration
Michelle Wein, Senior Research Manager, Workforce Intelligence Network
9:20 am
Michigan Talent Investment Agency Site Demo
9:40 am
Talent Resource Panel: Higher Education
Moderator: Cindy Brown, Vice President, Talent Initiatives, The Right Place
Panelists: Steve Goodrum, Director of Adult Education/Workforce Development, SVSF
Lisa Howze, Vice President, Detroit Campus, Davenport University
Dr. Lee Meadows, Professor of Management, Walsh College
Nancy Peters-Lewis, Executive Director, College and Career Access Center, Jackson County MI
10:30 am
Networking Break
10:45 am
Innovative Practices Presentation
Diane Antishin, V.P. of Human Resources, Operations and Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, DTE
11:15 am
Talent Resource Panel: Proven Recruiting Strategies
Moderator: Camille Walker Banks, Executive Director, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
Panelists: Wendy Achatz, Co-Owner and Founder, Achatz Handmade Pie Co.
Todd Hohauser, CEO, Harvey Hohauser and Associates
Dave Piwowar, Vice President Human Resources, Secure 24
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
Talent Resource Panel: Retention and Training Strategies
Moderator: Mark Knoth, Member, Kerr, Russell and Weber, PLC
Panelists: Jeff Douma, Human Resources Director, MAG Automotive LLC
Cara Newby, Talent Manager, Yeo and Yeo
Amy Pezzotti, Director Human Resources, Aristeo Construction