Detroit, for all intents and purposes, is still a working-class town. And everyone here pretty much loves beer, whether they brew it themselves, enjoy the history of it or just have a ball drinking it. There are many brewers in the city as well as bars that have immense beer lists for your enjoyment. And there is something for every taste.
Play a game and drink: Cadieux Café
Besides having one of the finest beer lists around – complete with difficult-to-find Belgian brews – there is an endless amount of amusements at this Eastside mainstay. Try darts, listen to live music and try your hand at the great game of Featherbowling. Everyone is guaranteed to have a good time.
Sit together as a community: Batch Brewing Company
There is so much to love about this Corktown-area newcomer. There’s the community tables, where you can sit with strangers and walk away friends. There’s the fun names of all the brews. And there’s the Feel Good Tap, which contributes a portion of sales to local charities and partners. It’s one of the friendliest places in town.
If your friends live in the suburbs: Ye Olde Tap Room
Well, Grosse Pointe Park really isn’t the suburbs if you can walk into Detroit from the bar’s door. But everyone in your party will be impressed with the beer list at this longtime bar. The space is tight, but the people watching is amazing and the bartending is top notch. Be prepared to try something of everything from fruity blends to blondes to heartier stock.
You want to try everything: HopCat
If there was ever a bar where the bartenders have seen, heard and tried everything, it would be HopCat. At least, that’s true in terms of beer. Tell the staff your favorite flavors – orange? Coffee? Crème brule? – and they will have a recommendation from the dozens of taps there. Since opening, HopCat is always hopping so try to come late, off hours or during the day.
You love Detroit history: The Dakota Inn-Rathskeller
You cannot call yourself a Detroit lover or beer fan if you haven’t raised a glass at The Dakota. The German flair here is fierce, and the food is pretty amazing as well. Get a plate of sausages, some hard cheese and be prepared to say “Cheers!” throughout the night. And don’t forget to sing along to the music!