Giving people the services they need to protect their finances is definitely a good thing. Volunteering your time as an organization and as individuals to give people the homes they need to be productive in every way is even better.
Recently, dozens of Michigan Bank of America employees volunteered for three projects in homes located in Grand Rapids, Lincoln Park and Oak Park. The home revitalization projects will benefit future homeowners in the Habitat for Humanity program.
Bank of America teamed up with Habitat for Humanity affiliates to address affordable housing challenges and revitalize neighborhoods in 70 communities around the U.S. and seven nations worldwide. The Habitat for Humanity Build is part of Bank of America’s broader commitment to help people drive sustainable growth in Michigan through access to affordable housing. This year, Bank of America has invested $30 million in local nonprofits that support job training, stable housing and access to basic human needs.
“Access to affordable housing is a critical stepping stone on the path to financial stability and success,” says Matthew Elliott, Midwest Region Executive. “When individuals and families have access to affordable housing, they are better positioned to achieve their long-term goals, including better outcomes at work and education opportunities for their children, and can, in turn, contribute to a thriving community.”
Habitat for Humanity Detroit is one of the affiliates Bank of America teamed up with for a revitalization project in Lincoln Park. “We are absolutely thrilled that Bank of America decided to partner with Habitat for Humanity Detroit once again as part of their Global Buiild Week,” said Habitat for Humanity Detroit Executive Director Ken Cockrel, Jr. “Their support and contribution help provide affordable home ownership to families that need it most. Their efforts help us make our cities, neighborhoods and homes better places to live.”
“Bank of America continues to be a steadfast supporter of Habitat Kent,” rejoined Habitat Kent Executive Director BriAnne McKee. “During Global Build Week, Bank of America volunteers worked together to repair the home of a veteran in need. We are so thankful for their dedicated work and assistance in providing stability to homeowners here in Kent County and across Michigan.”
Cindy Randall will live in the Oak Park house early next year. A single mother of two, Randall spent the last six years recuperating from the effects of Lyme disease and living in a cramped trailer park. “I have wanted nothing more than for my children to have a safe, peaceful space to grow and play as well as a respite for me to heal and pray,” says Randall. “This will be a new start for the kids and me.”
Bank of America is one of the world’s leading financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. The company provides convenient banking across the United States, serving approximately 47 million consumer and small business relationships with approximately 4,700 retail financial centers, approximately 16,000 ATMs, and online banking with approximately 32 million active users and approximately 19 million mobile users.