SOUTHFIELD, Mich. – Michigan’s adoption of a new Power of Attorney Act in July 2024 has led to more powers but also some limitations of previous power of attorney laws for those taking care of loved ones. Caregivers in Michigan wanting more information can attend a Zoom meeting on Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. with a presentation by estate planning attorney Howard Collens of Collens Estate Law PLLC in Huntington Woods. The free event is being offered by The Dorothy and Peter Brown Jewish Community Adult Day Program, a joint initiative of Gesher Human Services and Jewish Senior Life, which provides innovative and engaging activities, care, and socialization for those living with dementia along with support for their families at its two centers in West Bloomfield and Southfield. The Day Program welcomes people of all beliefs and faiths. For images of the Brown Program in action, click here.
Director of the Brown Program, Debi Banooni, said that this event will also include information on patient advocate designations and a question-and-answer session. This will be the first in a series of educational open houses in 2025 to support caregivers, with funding provided by the Dee dee and Michael Perlman Caregivers Fund. Future programs will include a presentation by an activist and founder of a nonprofit for people living with dementia and a neurologist with expert knowledge of dementia.
“These open houses have been created as a support to caregivers in the community and participation in the Brown Program is not required to attend,” said Banooni. “The goal is to provide education and resources to family care partners caring for loved ones, and even professionals in the field of caregiving. With the change in the Power of Attorney Act we know there are many questions loved ones might have and we hope to provide answers, knowledge and reassurance with our first program.”
To register for the program, email Joanna Dorfman at [email protected] or call (248) 661-6390.